Michael Beckerman featured in the New York Times

Michael Beckerman, Carroll and Milton Petrie Professor of Music at New York University and Vice-President of the Dvořák American Heritage Association, was featured in a New York Times article on December 4th, with comments about the New York Philharmonic’s original orchestral parts from the “New World” Symphony. He participated in the program “Insights Immersion: The Many Worlds of Antonín Dvořák” offered as part of the NY Philharmonic’s Dvořák Festival on Sunday, December 7th at the 92nd Street Y in New York City.

The accompanying exhibition, mounted by the Archives of the New York Philharmonic on the Grand Promenade of Avery Fisher Hall, presented two contributions from the Dvořák American Heritage Association: DAHA’s archival treasure, the original contract that brought Antonín Dvořák to America, signed “Antonín Dvořák. Prague 1892,” which is the only existing copy of the contract; and a photograph of the Honorary Membership Certificate awarded to Dr. Antonín Dvořák by the Philharmonic Society (New York Philharmonic) in April, 1894, documented by DAHA in the Czech Republic courtesy of Antonín Dvořák III.  The exhibit was on view through the end of January 2015. 

Image of Dvořák's New York Philharmonic Certificate, 1894. Photo by Eva Heyd, courtesy of Antonin Dvořák III & DAHA.

Image of Dvořák's New York Philharmonic Certificate, 1894. Photo by Eva Heyd, courtesy of Antonin Dvořák III & DAHA.